Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Upcoming Photostory
Emily is here to announce the winning photostory from the poll. The most popular vote was "Going to a Restaurant"!
New AG Products!
Not only are Marie-Grace and Cecile available for order now instead of pre-order, but American Girl has come out with its fall/winter products! See all of them here: http://store.americangirl.com/agshop/static/home.jsp
Here are some of my favorites...
They finally came out with an Ivy mini doll! Also, there are Cecile and Marie-Grace ones.
Ballet Outfit for Dolls. I like the tutu : )
The two Special Edition minis for this month are Rebecca and Julie
Hooray! I am SO excited about this piano. AG had this set a few years ago, and I am so happy that it is out again.
This is the Merry and Bright Oufit and Accessories
This Shower is cute. It goes well with the Bubble Bathtub
This is one of the two new My American Girl Dolls
What are your favorites?
Monday, August 29, 2011
About the Poll
The poll ends tomorrow, so I will announce the results and have the new photostory posted by the end of the week.
While they are waiting, Felicity and Elizabeth thought they would have tea :)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
My little brother made this cake for my dolls today. Isn't it sweet? Sometimes his Build-a-Bears come over to play with the dolls.
I found a craft on Doll Diaries (here is the link http://dolldiaries.com/doll-craft-make-your-own-doll-school-supplies/) about how to make pencils for American Girl Dolls. I tried it, and I thought I would show you how it turned out!
Here is the finished pencil. Doesn't it look real?
I made a whole set of colored pencils, too. For a pencil holder, I used a tiny Altoids box.
Here is Kit holding her new pencil. Now she can really be a reporter.
Mini Dolls
I love the mini dolls from AG. I can't wait as each of the special edition ones come out.
These are not the special edition ones, but I thought I would show them anyway. Kaya, Felicity (I have both the old one with the Rose Garden Dress and the newer one in the Traveling Gown), Elizabeth, Josephina, Kirsten, Samantha, Nellie, Rebecca, Ruthie, and Kit. The Nellie one is my favorite.
Here are the mini dolls in holiday dresses. I can't wait to order Rebecca and Julie in September!
Mini Mag
I went through all of my American Girl Magazines last night and cut out all of the mini mags.
This is my stack of magazines. They date back to the September/October 2003 issue, when I first subscribed. It's sad that the newer issues don't have mini mags anymore.

This is my stack of magazines. They date back to the September/October 2003 issue, when I first subscribed. It's sad that the newer issues don't have mini mags anymore.
Here are all the mini mags once I put them all together.
For comparison, I put two side by side.
Devon decided to prop up and read some : )
Now their new magazines go with their other books in the bookcase in the parlor.
An Attic Exploration - An AG Photostory
While Chloe was over at Mia’s house, they decided to go exploring.
They marched up the stairs to the attic. There were all sorts of curious things to look through.
“Look at this old hatbox,” said Mia.
“A hat and muff!”
Mia handed her finds to Chloe, who tried them on. “Ta da!” said Chloe, striking a pose. “What do you think?”
Next they decided to take a peek in a truck.
“It’s a hope chest,” said Chloe. “See, there are doilies and quilts and table linens. Oh! And look at this antique doll.”
Mia spotted something in the corner.
It was an old-fashioned ice cream maker!
“I wonder what could be in this chest,” said Mia, going over to it and pulling on one of the drawers.
A dress! It looked like something from a hundred years ago.
“I have an idea,” said Chloe. “You put on the dress, and I will put on the shoes and hat and we can have a tea party!” Mia thought that was a great idea.
They put on their costumes and fetched some tea and cookies. They would have to go through Chloe’s attic next time!
A Day at Mary Dickinson's - An AG Photostory
(Just so you know, I took the name of the shop from my favorite store in Colonial Williamsburg.)
It was a lovely spring day and Ruthie was going shopping at Mary Dickinson’s shop. Her friend Elizabeth worked there.
“Hello, Ruthie!” said Elizabeth as Ruthie walked in. “Welcome to Mary Dickinson’s.”
“Thank you,” Ruthie replied. “I have come looking for a new spring dress and accessories.”
Elizabeth smiled. “Well, I am sure you can find whatever you need here. Feel free to look around!”
Ruthie looked at some things on one of the shelves and spotted a lovely embroidered purse.
Picking it up, she decided she would have to buy it. It was so pretty, and it went with her dress, too!
Picking it up, she decided she would have to buy it. It was so pretty, and it went with her dress, too!
Next she went to look at fabrics. There were so many colors and textures to choose from!
A pale blue silk caught her eye, so she picked it up. Ruthie fingered the fabric and decided this would be just right for a new gown.
Ruthie went over to the next display, where there were plenty of shoes.
She picked up the carved fan and practiced flicking it open and holding it against her face.
After setting the fan back, Ruthie took another look at the shoes and chose some pink satiny slippers to try on. They were a perfect fit! They would have to go home with her too.
Next to the shoes were some hats. Her favorite was one with pink flowers and blue ribbon.
Going over to the mirror, she set the hat on her head and tied a bow under her chin and admired the effect. She loved it! It was her favorite thing she had seen in the shop today.
Ruthie turned around to see Elizabeth. “Are you finding everything all right?” Elizabeth asked.
“Oh, yes!” said Ruthie. “I especially love this hat. Do you think you could help me place an order for a dress?”
“I would love to!” said Elizabeth. “Did you see our examples up there? We have those made already, if you would like one of those.”
Ruthie’s favorite was a purple one with white stripes and embroidered flowers. “I like that one,” she said to Elizabeth. “Could you show it to me?”
Elizabeth went and pulled the purple gown out from the fabric. “Here it is!”
It was beautiful! Ruthie could not wait to try it on.
But first Elizabeth had to take some measurements so that she could adjust the dress a little bit to fit Ruthie.
While Elizabeth was sewing, Ruthie looked around the shop some more.
She slipped a quilted velvet cloak over her shoulders and struck a pose. Ruthie liked the green color, but it was getting too warm outside for her to wear it.
As she was looking at necklaces, she saw a choker that would go perfectly with her new gown.
Just then, Elizabeth came back with the finished dress draped over her arm. “Would you like to try it on?” she asked.
“Oh, yes!”
Ruthie went into a small room at the back of the shop to change. When she came out, she twirled around. The shimmery taffeta made a nice sound as she moved. “I love it!”
Ruthie decided to wear her new gown and hat home. She waited as Elizabeth packaged up her other things. Her other purchases included a purple choker, a purse, the pink shoes, some green stockings clocked with daisies, and a new pocket embroidered with springy-colored flowers.
On her way out, Ruthie looked at the blue silk again. Her purple gown was prettier, but she decided that she would keep the silk in mind for her next visit to Mary Dickinson’s.
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